Monthly Reminder

from the Co-Presidents 

OCTOBER MEETING–October 7 at 1:30pm


New early afternoon meeting format!   

MON OCT 7 Meet & Chat @ 1:30 pm, Speaker at 2 pm This meeting is held at our usual meeting place but at a new time:  M’boro Function Hall, 139 Old Route 109, M’boro

  • It’s Time to RSVP so we know you are coming and our October Hostesses can plan for enough seating and refreshments:  simply click here: RSVP HERE
  • OCTOBER SPEAKERS from the newly relocated NH Boat Museum right here in M’Boro are Wendy Stocker, Development Director and Jaime Laurent, Co-Chair, Board of Trustees
  • CHARITY OF THE MONTH is Making Strides Against Breast Cancer – bring $ to support our walkers or sign up to walk with MWC friends on Sunday Oct 20 at Lee’s Mill and walk to Moultonborough Academy’s track and back.  It’s a wonderful way to support a cause that affects so many.
  • Ready for Pick Up: If you haven’t already gotten it, please get your brand new 75th Anniversary MWC Handbook that lists our meetings, committees and all the new members at the Oct 7 meeting!
  • What else?  A word from the DONATIONS COMMITTEE:  We are able to do another round of DONATIONS to the community from funds raised at the June Jamboree – this time the Committee wants to know what local non-profits YOU know of whose work is worthy of our support.  Bring your ideas to the meeting and look for Susan Reepmeyer at the sign in table ready for your submissions.  Bring as much info as you can to help the committee!

SIGNUPS – there will be several signups for upcoming events

  • Bake Sale – Nov 5: Please let us know if you can bake a goodie and/or work a shift at the sale during the National election.
  • Making Strides – Oct 20: Would you like to join MWC friends for the walk?
  • Sweet Service – Dec.9:  Make our town workers feel special with some sweet treats
  • MWC Hikes:  Get some fresh air and exercise with MWC friends on hikes

Come take a look at the Activities Corner  - learn about (and sign up for) upcoming club activities.

We look forward to seeing you on Monday, Oct 7 at M’Boro Function Hall.  If you haven’t RSVP’d yet or don’t remember if you did, RSVP HERE.     

In Friendship & Service, 

Joanne & Libby, MWC Co-Presidents

It’s officially Fall, y’all! Enjoy the spectacular display of color!

OCTOBER MEETING – time to RSVP and find your nametag and join us in our new early afternoon meeting format!  **Misplaced your MWC nametag? Contact Suzanne Knapik and she will have a new one ready for you on Oct. 7.  Spoiler Alert – we have something NEW in the works regarding nametags!


MON OCT 7 Meet & Chat @ 1:30 pm, Speaker at 2 pm This meeting is held at our usual meeting place but at a new time:  M’boro Function Hall, 139 Old Route 109, M’boro

Time to RSVP so we know you are coming and our October Hostesses can plan for enough seating and refreshments:  simply click here:  RSVP here!  OCTOBER SPEAKERS from the newly relocated NH Boat Museum right here in M’Boro are Wendy Stocker, Development Director and Jaimi Laurent, Board Member.  The CHARITY OF THE MONTH is Making Strides Against Breast Cancer – bring $ to support our walkers or sign up to walk with MWC friends on Sunday Oct 20 at Lee’s Mill and walk to Moultonborough Academy’s track and back.  It’s a wonderful way to support a cause that affects so many.

Ready for Pick Up: Your brand new 75th Anniversary MWC Handbook that lists our meetings, committees and all the new members at the Oct 7 meeting!

What else?  A word from the DONATIONS COMMITTEE:  We are able to do another round of DONATIONS to the community from funds raised at the June Jamboree – this time the Committee wants to know what local non-profits YOU know of whose work is worthy of our support.  Bring your ideas to the meeting and look for Susan Reepmeyer at the sign in table ready for your submissions.  Bring as much info as you can to help the committee!

A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who baked and worked the Sept Bake Sale on Primary Election Day – the community loved it and we raised $2,953.26.  Well done!


·       Simone Sampson is back at home and would love to hear from her MWC friends! 

·       Janet Shurko can’t always make it to our meetings as caring for husband Nick is taking time – a card will brighten her day and let her know we are thinking of her.


TUES NOV 5 BAKE SALE ON ELECTION DAY!  Please set aside time to create your special sweets for all those who come out to vote on Election Day! Please look for a sign- up sheet.  We need as many baked goods as possible – there will be record number of voters for this election.  If you are away and can’t bake and freeze, please consider making a donation – perhaps what you would have spent on ingredients OR what your special goodie might have added to our Scholarship Fund.  All Proceeds from Bake Sales are pure profit for our Scholarship Fund – and our community looks forward to these sales!!    NOTE:   Our November meeting is the day before the election so members can bring baked goods to the meeting.

COMING THIS FALL:  THE MWC MINI SURVEY is back!  This has been a great tool to help us get to know all of our members better and help direct you to projects that you will enjoy.  Please participate and share your interests, your past work and volunteer experience.  We all have wonderful hidden talents!  If you did not return one in Sept, please share your talent with us in October by filling it out.

NEW MEMBER TEAS are our annual event to welcome our newest members who have joined us since last Fall.  If you haven’t responded yet to the cute electronic e-mail from Punch Bowl asking you which date you’d like to attend:  Sept 25 @ 1 pm, Oct 4 @ 1 pm, or Oct 9 @ 4 pm, please contact Nancy Hill. 

MWC celebrates 75 Years!  So much to celebrate and we are forming new committees this year: 

  • 75th ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE to put ideas together for our May Meeting focusing on 75 years of service to Moultonborough!  If you have ideas to commemorate this special occasion, we want to hear from you! Both new and seasoned members will work on this together!
  • Do you love history or genealogy?  MWC is seeking a HISTORIAN and this is the perfect year to discover what we have saved – and what we should keep!
  • Background in Finance?  Ask us about our INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE that will meet quarterly and guide the investments currently in CDs as a result of the June Jamboree.
  • Love to brainstorm with others?  FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE now forming to determine a 3-5 year plan for fun ways to continue to raise money for our projects and our scholarships. Once we have a plan, we will create a group to implement the ideas.
    Contact Libby or Joanne to learn more!

WAYS AND MEANS TABLE – Members have wondered where items on the Ways & Means Table come from – if you have a nearly new item OR something consumable like a special pie or platter of cookies to share, get in touch with Sharon Paton and she can advise you as to what month she may need something special!  Ways and Means provide funds for the little extras that keep our club going!

ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE has been having fun dreaming up new EVENTS coming up for MWC Members: 

  • Every Friday - Mexican Train Dominoes at the M’Boro Rec Center at 10:00AM  Questions: Contact Gayle Russell.
  • Thursday October 24th at 9:30 Coffee Connection at Identity Coffee in Meredith.  This month, bring a non-member to see what the MWC is all about. Open to all ladies.  Contact: Jan Flanagan with any questions.
  • Thursday November 14th at 9:30, Breakfast at Village Kitchen, Rte 25 Mboro.  Members only and sign ups will be at the Oct Meeting.  Tables will be held for the number of attendees. *As a courtesy to the Village Kitchen please let Jan know by noon the prior day, if you find you cannot attend.  Contact: Jan Flanagan with any questions. 
  • Wednesday, Nov 20 at 2 PM, MWC Book Club at the Moultonborough Library Community Room. Book Discussion on First Lie Win by Ashley Elston.  Reserved copies for club members will be available at the library check out desk on Wednesday 10/15.  Contact Margaret Walsh to RSVP.


ARE YOU INTERESTED: Sometimes we will put an idea out there to see what the interest level is, so if it’s for you, please respond!  Read on and reply if interested!


ARE YOU INTERESTED:  Art in Bloom at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.  Shelia will be organizing a bus and tickets and she needs to know who has interest in joining in on the fun!  Plan ahead for May 2, 2025 Art in Bloom comes to life with 45 floral arrangements that are inspired by MFA art and created by New England area garden clubs and floral designers.  

Contact Shelia McCleery or sign the Interest Sheet at the meeting!


ARE YOU INTERESTED? Shopping at Settlers Green in N. Conway

Shopping, lunch or other activities at Settlers Green Outlets in North Conway early December.  We are organizing a bus to drop us off for 3 hours of fun before returning back to M’Boro and we need an idea of interest.

Contact Mary Bishop 


*PLEASE NOTE FOR ALL PREPAID EVENTS with the MWC Activities Committee:  All events are non-refundable and must be paid (cash or check) at time of registration. If for some reason you cannot make it after registration you can send a member in your place to fill the vacancy or contact Mary and she will do her best to fill your spot with no guarantee. Your payment reserves your spot. Please understand these events are prepaid in advance in order to book the artist for this and similar events. Space is always limited and sells out fast, so sign up today.  ALL ACTIVITIES ARE FOR MEMBERS ONLY UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED!

Keep an eye on the calendar page on MWC website OR the MWC Facebook page for details about any club meetings and activities.  New Activities are posted regularly and fill up quickly!


Welcome to our Newest Members!

Jo Berman, Suzanne Conlin, Denise Desrochers, Janet O’Neil, Elaine Purrington


We look forward to seeing you on Monday  Oct 7 at M’Boro Function Hall  RSVP here  Keep the Nov 5 Election Day Bake Sale on your radar and be ready to sign up at the meeting to bake and/or work a shift. 

In Friendship & Service,

Joanne & Libby, MWC Co-Presidents