Monthly Reminder

from the Co-Presidents 

Please read this important information!

Dear MWC Ladies,

Spring Fever . . . . Who is feeling it?  We know spring will arrive right on time, and in the meantime, we are looking forward to gathering with MWC friends on Monday March 3 at 1:30 pm. We will also be hearing from the 75th Anniversary Committee about some initial plans for this special milestone celebration in May along with lots of other news you will love!  Joanne & Libby


Mark Your Calendars: March 3 MWC Meeting

Date: Monday, March 3

Time: 1:30 PM  arrive to sign in, socialize & enjoy refreshments.  

2:00 PM  Program begins, followed by brief MWC business meeting

Location: Moultonborough Function Hall (formerly the Lions Club), Old Route 109

It is TIME TO RSVP FOR MARCH 3 for yourself & any guests: Your RSVP helps our hostesses prepare refreshments and ensure a comfortable space for everyone.

RSVP for the  March meeting:

March RSVP

*Please note that there is a “legacy” question to answer as we work to identify members whose Mothers, Grandmothers, Aunts or Cousins or Sisters, etc. were MWC members back in their day.


MARCH PROGRAM:  Join us for an inspiring presentation entitled “Thriving with Blindness” presented by Joanne Jordan who is blind.

CHARITY OF THE MONTH: Veterans Home – Sunshine Cart.  They are in need of toiletries such as shampoo, conditioner, shaving cream, toothpaste/brushes, mouthwash (no alcohol), denture cream, puzzle books (large print preferred) – crossword, Sudoku, adult coloring books, colored pencils, puzzles, hard candies., crew socks…The men and women are always so appreciative of our donations.

SOMETHING NEW!  FUELING FUTURES:  We are collecting Individual snacks for our young friends at Mboro Central School.  The staff at MCS was so appreciative for all that was donated in February. Think individual sized chips, fruit roll ups, granola bars, gold fish. . . (but please NO peanut butter due to classroom allergies).  This will help students who for a variety of reasons may come to school without a snack AND help our Teachers with a steady supply of snacks for their classroom needs without the expense, which can be considerable.  This was an initiative that came out of the Allotment Committee as another way we can help our younger students excel with well-nourished brains!

BUSINESS MEETING will include lots of updates on what is happening behind the scenes – 75thAnniversary, Nominating Committee, Spring Luncheon, Activities and more. Make yourself a note to bring your checkbook for any Activities you plan to sign up for.

A NOTE ABOUT PARKING at the Mboro Function Hall:

Please keep parking spaces closest to the Function Hall for our members whose mobility is limited.

Please park DIAGONALLY on the road leading into the parking lot as it allows us to park more cars and keeps our cars off of 109Aand out of the traffic there.

Carpool with a friend or two if possible – sharing a ride from a meeting place like the library helps our parking situation as well!

SNOW POLICY is on page 10 of your Handbook:  If schools close in Mboro due to snow, there will be NO Club meeting that day.  MWC meetings will be rescheduled the following day.  If there is a DELAYED start of school, the meeting WILL take place as usual.

Arrival Time Reminder – This little tweak is really working, THANK YOU!

We have asked our members to arrive no earlier than 1:30 PM.  Here’s why:

Our Hostesses and Board Members will be at work setting up the room, preparing for our Speaker, and organizing the Donations members are bringing—all while working around Meals on Wheels clean-up.

By arriving at 1:30 PM, we’ll be ready to greet you with warm smiles and enjoy chatting as you arrive. When you arrive, you can:

Sign in, grab a snack, catch up with friends, visit the Activities Corner and explore the Raffle Table!

Thank you for your cooperation—this is making it so much easier to get our meeting space ready for your arrival!

*Hospitality Committee and Board Members may arrive earlier to complete their tasks.





Two dates in March for Baked Goods and Snacks:  MARCH 11 & MARCH 15

*Snowbirds are welcome to make a cash donation to our Bake Sales that benefit MWC Scholarship Fund right here Click to Donate!

Election Day BAKE SALE is coming Tues March 11

Town Elections are Tues March 11 and MWC will be sponsoring our Election Day Bake Sale at the Public Safety Building.  You may have signed up at the FEB meeting!  Bring goodies marked and packaged attractively for our “Bake Shop’ when you come to vote or to work a shift.  Contact Mary Anne Sopelak to volunteer to help out or look for her on March 3 at the Membership Table or sign up here today by clicking here  March 11 Election Bake Sale

Town Meeting SNACK SALE on Sat March 15

This is something new.  Sign up to bring individually packaged snacks for people attending Town Meeting to pick up and snack on while the Town meeting is in progress.  We will need snacks (individually packaged baked muffins, cookies, snack mix, slice of quick bread, or purchased individual snacks or fruit or cases of water- be creative!)  Details at the March 3meeting or contact Mary Anne Sopelak or just click here March 15 Town Meeting Bake & Snack Sale



Thanks to Amy Corston, Pam King and Nancy Cole for serving on the Nominating Committee.  Please consider ways you can share your time and talent in the coming year to keep our Club strong and thriving.  It has taken all of us taking leadership roles small and large to keep our mission of friendship, education and scholarship alive for 75 years!  We are blessed with an exceptional Board with everyone communicating and working together.  Please give this work your thoughtful consideration.  It takes a village to run a great club like MWC!


75th ANNIVERSARY to be celebrated at May Meeting

Planning for the MWC’s 75th Anniversary at our May meeting is underway!  This is a fun group working on plans for program, centerpieces, vintage food and more – all the party details!  There will be many small details to cover and we have so many talented ladies among us, so don’t be shy!  We are also currently gathering stories from our long time members about the ‘good old days’ – if you have one to share, please contact Joanne or Libby or come to our next 75th Anniversary Committee meeting – March 5 at 2:30 at the Library. All are welcome!



This is the time of the year that we are looking for nominations for Woman of the Year.  This is awarded to a member whose exceptional leadership, dedication and service has made a significant impact within the club and community over an extended period of timeas detailed on page 49 of your MWC Handbook.  Please forward your questions and/and recommendations, including your reason for the nomination to Libby or Joanne



sponsored by our new Fundraising Committee is coming in late spring and is looking for 1 or 2 gardening enthusiasts to help coordinate this event.  Contact Kerry Soroka for more information.



Did you see all the current offerings in the email last Friday!  Don’t miss it – and if you have questions, our fearless Activities Co-Chairs Jan Flanagan and Mary Bishop welcome your questions and suggestions!


And some sad news:

We recently received the sad news that our long-time friend Janet Percoski of Patrician Shores passed away recently.


SEE YOU ON Mon March 3  RSVP Here


We appreciate all the ways you help out with our community projects and needs and we look forward to seeing you! Don’t forget to RSVP!   

In Friendship & Service,

Joanne Wilhelm & Libby Reichlen, MWC Co-Presidents

Dear MWC Ladies,

Happy Presidents Day!

We know our members who love all things winter are rejoicing this year!  Winter has been full of cold temps, steady snow and thick ice for all the winter fun – so let’s soak that in before we begin to look longingly to March and a new season!  It is just around the corner, though, and we are looking forward to gathering with MWC friends on Monday March 3 at 1:30 pm. Please read to the end - there are lots of projects and activities in the works and we want YOU to be ‘in the know’!!   Joanne & Libby


Mark Your Calendars: March 3 MWC Meeting

      • Date: Monday, March 3
      • Time: 1:30PM arrive to sign in, socialize & enjoy refreshments.  
      • 2:00PM Program begins, followed by brief MWC business meeting
      • Location: Moultonborough Function Hall (formerly the Lions Club), Old Route 109

It is TIME TO RSVP FOR MAR 3 for yourself & any guests: Your RSVP helps our hostesses prepare refreshments and ensure a comfortable space for everyone.  *Please note that there is a “legacy” question to answer as we work to identify members whose Mothers, Grandmothers, Aunts or Cousins or Sisters, etc. were MWC members back in their day.

RSVP for the  March meeting: click here March RSVP

MARCH PROGRAM:  Join us for an inspiring presentation entitled “Thriving with Blindness” presented by Joanne Jordan who is blind.

CHARITY OF THE MONTH: Veterans Home – Sunshine Cart.  They are in need of toiletries such as shampoo, conditioner, shaving cream, toothpaste/brushes, mouthwash (no alcohol), denture cream, puzzle books (large print preferred) – crossword, Sudoku, adult coloring books, colored pencils, puzzles, hard candies., crew socks…The men and women are always so appreciative of our donations.

SOMETHING NEW!  FUELING FUTURES:  We are collecting Individual snacks for our young friends at Mboro Central School.  The staff at MCS was so appreciative for all that was donated in February. Think individual sized chips, fruit roll ups, granola bars, gold fish. . . (but please NO peanut butter due to classroom allergies).  This will help students who for a variety of reasons may come to school without a snack AND help our Teachers with a steady supply of snacks for their classroom needs without the expense, which can be considerable.  This was an initiative that came out of the Allotment Committee as another way we can help our younger students excel with well-nourished brains!

A NOTE ABOUT PARKING at the Mboro Function Hall:

      • Please keep parking spaces closest to the Function Hall for our members whose mobility is limited.
      • Please park DIAGONALLY on the road leading into the parking lot as it allows us to park more cars and keeps our cars off of 109A and out of the traffic there.
      • Carpool with a friend or two if possible – sharing a ride from a meeting place like the library helps our parking situation as well!

SNOW POLICY is on page 10 of your Handbook:  If schools close in Mboro due to snow, there will be NO Club meeting that day.  MWC meetings will be rescheduled the following day.  If there is a DELAYED start of school, the meeting WILL take place as usual.

Arrival Time Reminder – This little tweak is really working, THANK YOU!  We have asked our members to arrive no earlier than 1:30 PM.  Here’s why:

      • Our Hostesses and Board Members will be at work setting up the room, preparing for our Speaker, and organizing the Donations members are bringing—all while working around Meals on Wheels clean-up.
      • By arriving at 1:30 PM, we’ll be ready to greet you with warm smiles and enjoy chatting as you arrive. When you arrive, you can:
      • Sign in, grab a snack, catch up with friends, visit the Activities Corner and explore the Raffle Table!

Thank you for your cooperation—this is making it so much easier to get our meeting space ready for your arrival!

*Hospitality Committee and Board Members may arrive earlier to complete their tasks.



to those who are busy working behind the scenes on a variety of committees – it is through your involvement that we are able to do the work of our Club and we are so grateful!  Give yourself a little pat on the back ladies!




Two dates in March for Baked Goods and Snacks:  MARCH 11 & MARCH 15

*Snowbirds are welcome to make a cash donation to our Bake Sales that benefit MWC Scholarship Fund right here Click to Donate!

Election Day BAKE SALE is coming Tues March 11

Town Elections are Tues March 11 and MWC will be sponsoring our Election Day Bake Sale at the Public Safety Building.  You may have signed up at the FEB meeting!  Bring goodies marked and packaged attractively for our “Bake Shop’ when you come to vote or to work a shift.  Contact Mary Anne Sopelak to volunteer to help out or look for her on March 3 at the Membership Table or sign up here March 11 Election Bake Sale

Town Meeting SNACK SALE on Sat March 15

This is something new.  Sign up to bring individually packaged snacks for people attending Town Meeting to pick up and snack on while the Town meeting is in progress.  We will need snacks (individually packaged baked muffins, cookies, snack mix, slice of quick bread, or purchased individual snacks or fruit or cases of water- be creative!)  Details at the March 3 meeting or contact Mary Anne Sopelak



has postponed their March distribution of home baked goodies to our town departments including the Mboro Post Office until April due to 2 other baking opportunities in March. Look for their sign up sheet on the Membership table next meeting.



Thanks to Amy Corston, Pam King and Nancy Cole for serving on the Nominating Committee.  Please consider ways you can share your time and talent in the coming year to keep our Club strong and thriving.  It has taken all of us taking leadership roles small and large to keep our mission of friendship, education and scholarship alive for 75 years!  We are blessed with an exceptional Board with everyone communicating and working together.  Please give this work your thoughtful consideration,  It takes a village to run a great club like MWC!


75th ANNIVERSARY - May Meeting

Planning for the MWC’s 75th Anniversary at our May meeting is underway and it is not too late to get in on the planning.  This is a fun group working on plans for program, centerpieces, vintage food and more – all the party details!  And we are learning more about the history of our beloved MWC which began around a kitchen table back in 1950.  There will be many small details to cover and we have so many talented ladies among us, so don’t be shy!  We are also currently gathering stories from our long time members about the ‘good old days’ – if you have one to share, please contact Joanne or Libby or come to our next meeting – (update) Wednesday, March 5th at 2:00PM in the Program Room at the Library.



This is the time of the year that we are looking for nominations for Woman of the Year.  This is awarded to a member whose exceptional leadership, dedication and service has made a significant impact within the club and community over an extended period of time.  Please forward your questions and recommendations, including your reason for the nomination to Libby or Joanne



Next dates are WED Feb 19 and Mar 5.  We are in our winter hiking season so please come prepared with micro-spikes and snow shoes and be sure and RSVP when you plan to join us on a hike.  If you want to get the details on the bi-weekly Wed morning hikes, contact Lin Bastan to be added to the email list.  The details and location of the hikes are not posted on the MWC website, so you will need the e-mail to RSVP and join us each time.  Come when you can!



A plant sale sponsored by our new Fundraising Committee is coming in late spring and is looking for 1 or 2 gardening enthusiasts to help coordinate this event.  Contact Kerry Soroka for more information.



Co-chaired by Mary Bishop and Jan Flanagan.  They report that several activities are in the works for Feb and Mar and will have lots to share at the Mar 3 meeting AND have a list of upcoming activities as well as sign ups at the Activities Corner.  Watch for photos of events on our MWC Facebook page  and checkout the BLOG section of this website

NOTE: “External Events” listed on FB are not Club Events – we share them so you know of things happening in the area but the Activities Committee Chairs are not able to answer questions about them.

Here’s some of what’s currently on the MWC Activities Calendar (* indicates payment or registration required)  and watch for a dedicated email listing more details & more Activities. For now, click here for MWC Calendar or Upcoming Events

      • Fridays at 10 am Mexican Train Domino Game at Mboro Rec, no experience needed.
      • *Thursdays at 3:30 pm MWC reads for Storytime at Mboro Library.  We are currently in need of readers– contact Nancy Hill
      • Thurs 2/27 at 9:30 am Coffee Connection at Gusto Café, upstairs, in Center Harbor
      • Thurs 3/6  Movie Club Discussion of the film Conclave at Identity Coffee in Meredith
      • Tues 3/18 at 2 pm  Book Club at Mboro Library.  Book is Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness
      • *Thurs 3/20 Tai Chi at Public Safety Building
      • *Fri 3/28 Ceramics and/or Lunch in Bristol NH


Welcome to our New Members!  Linn LiHand Ringelstein, Heather Morris Kyer


SEE YOU ON Mon March 3. We appreciate all the ways you help out with our community projects and needs and we look forward to seeing you! Don’t forget to RSVP!  Just click  RSVP Here


In Friendship & Service,

Joanne Wilhelm & Libby Reichlen, MWC Co-Presidents
