Monthly Reminder
from the Co-Presidents
First: Check your email to review: the June Meeting Minutes and MWC Draft Budget 2025 that we will be approving at the Sept 9 MWC meeting.
Second: Sept 9 MWC Meeting arrival time is 11:30 am at Geneva Point, 108 Geneva Point Road, Mboro along with the ever-popular COFFEE CAN AUCTION which replenishes our Ways & Means budget. Bring a bag lunch and a fun item for the Auction!
Third: Sept 10 Bake Sale – in case you haven’t signed up–there are still a few slots for bakers and a couple of shift openings. Here is the link for the super-simple electronic sign up sheet SIGN UP TO BAKE OR WORK HERE ! OR you can contact Joanne Wilhelm and she will add you to the list. Bake Sales are an important part of our Scholarship Fund and the Community comes through in an incredibly generous way – it is pure profit and a way to connect with our town!
A BIG THANK YOU for those who have already responded!!
In Friendship & Service, Joanne & Libby
MWC Co-Presidents
Your HELP is NEEDED with the Election Day Bake Sale on Sept 10
We need Bakers AND Workers So far we have 26 bakers (we need 45) and we need more workers for the 9-11am shift, 3-5 pm shift, and 5-7 pm shifts. Here is the link for the super-simple electronic sign up sheet SIGN UP TO BAKE OR WORK HERE! OR you can contact Joanne and she will add you to the list. Bake Sales are an important part of our Scholarship Fund and the Community comes through in an incredibly generous way – it is pure profit and a way to connect with our town! Thank you!
Sad News – Our friend and long-time MWC member Carol Hazel passed away Monday afternoon in Reno with her daughter Liz by her side. Cards and words of comfort can be sent to her daughter in law, Sara Hazel 60 Hayes Ln., M'boro, NH 03254 (Sara was a MWC member last year).
Last chance to RSVP for the Sept 9 MWC Meeting at Geneva Point! (YES! It’s ok to RSVP twice if you are not sure!)
Here are the details for the meeting if you missed the last email:
SEPTEMBER MEETING AND COFFEE CAN AUCTION that supports the Ways & Means Committee. This meeting is held at Geneva Point, 108 Geneva Point Rd, M’Boro and will be our only lunch meeting as we transition to our afternoon meeting format at M’Boro Function Hall beginning in October at 1:30 pm. Time to RSVP so we know you are coming, simply click here: RSVP here!
Ready for Pick Up: Your brand new 75th Anniversary MWC Handbook that lists our meetings, committees and all the new members at the Sept 9 meeting!
FAQS: What is the Coffee Can Auction and how does it work? Every member brings a new or nearly new item of interest to others and members buy raffle tickets and walk around the displayed items dropping tickets in the coffee can next to items they are interested. After the meeting, we all take home our treasures!
Hmmm, What to bring? Something that you no longer need AND that will be useful for someone else at the meeting, such as something from your gift closet, fashion accessories, a pot of mums, your grandma’s apple pie, fresh picked blueberries, entertaining platters – you get the idea! It’s our version of a White Elephant Sale.
What else? Bring a bag lunch and a drink and our Sept Hostesses will be supplying a beautiful array of desserts as usual. And for our Hikers – bring your walking shoes for a walk in the woods – Geneva Point has awesome hiking trails available to all – try it out!
Thank you to all our members doing so many things behind the scenes to keep our Club chugging along! See you on Monday!
In Friendship & Service, Joanne & Libby
MWC Co-Presidents
Fall is in the air, and that means it’s the start of a brand new MWC year
– our 75th Anniversary Year!
MON SEPT 9 @ 11:30pm SEPTEMBER MEETING AND COFFEE CAN AUCTION that supports the Ways & Means Committee. This meeting is held at Geneva Point, 108 Geneva Point Rd, Mboro and will be our only lunch meeting as we transition to our afternoon meeting format at Mboro Function Hall beginning in October at 1:30 pm.
Time to RSVP so we know you are coming, simply click here: RSVP here!
Ready for Pick Up: Your brand new 75th Anniversary MWC Handbook that lists our meetings, committees and all the new members at the Sept 9 meeting!
FAQS: What is the Coffee Can Auction and how does it work? Every member brings a new or nearly new item of interest to others and members buy raffle tickets and walk around the displayed items dropping tickets in the coffee can next to items they are interested. After the meeting, we all take home our treasures! Hmmm, What to bring? Something that you no longer need AND that will be useful for someone else at the meeting, such as something from your gift closet, fashion accessories, a pot of mums, your grandma’s apple pie, fresh picked blueberries, entertaining platters – you get the idea! It’s our version of a White Elephant Sale.
What else? Bring a bag lunch and a drink and our Sept Hostesses will be supplying a beautiful array of desserts as usual. And for our Hikers – bring your walking shoes for a walk in the woods – Geneva Point has awesome hiking trails available to all – try it out!
TUES SEPT 10 ELECTION DAY BAKE SALE Please set aside time to create your special sweets for all those who come out to vote on Election Day! Because the Bake Sale is the day after our meeting, we are using an electronic sign up click here to sign up for working a shifts and providing treats packaged with a little flair and labeled and you can sign up TODAY! Proceeds from our Bake Sales are pure profit for our Scholarship Fund – and our community looks forward to these sales!! Questions? Contact Debbie DeBerardinis.
COMING THIS FALL: The MWC MINI SURVEY is back! This has been a great tool to help us get to know all of our members better and help direct you to projects that you will enjoy. Please participate and share your interests, your past work and volunteer experience. We all have wonderful hidden talents!
NEW MEMBER TEAS are our annual event to welcome our newest members who have joined us since last Fall. Watch for a special invitation in your mailbox soon, asking you which date you’d like to attend: Sept 25 @ 1 pm, Oct 4 @ 1 pm, or Oct 9 @ 4 pm.
MWC celebrates 75 Years! We will be putting together 75th Anniversary Committee to plan our May Meeting focusing on 75 years of service to Moultonborough! If you have ideas to commemorate this special occasion OR if you are someone who loves history or genealogy, we are also seeking a HISTORIAN and this is the perfect year to discover what we have saved – and what we should keep!
Keep an eye on the calendar page OR the MWC Facebook page for details about any club meetings and activities. New Activities are posted regularly and fill up quickly!
- Tabin Gardens, 1321 Salisbury Rd Franklin, NH. Bring bag lunch and wear comfortable footwear. Cost: 10.00 and 8.00 for seniors, pay when we arrive. Leaving from upper parking lot, Heath’s Plaza @ 9:00 am. Carpooling available. In the case of inclement weather please check with FB or MWC website We will do our best to email everyone who signed up if we need to cancel due to weather. It will be determined the night before the event. Please let Jan know if you cannot make it before meeting at Heath’s so that we aren’t waiting for you. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. For more information contact Jan Flanagan.
- Sept 11 @ 2 pm, Book Club at Moultonborough Library. Cape Cod by William Martin. Discussion Led by: Jane Harrington. RSVP to Margret Walsh NOTE: Author William Martin will be at the Moultonborough Library Author’s Luncheon on Oct 17 at Chase House in Meredith Cost for lunch is $45 (contact library for further details) this is not an Activities Committee Event.
- Mon Sept 23 Coffee Connection returns @ 9:30am. Place: The Boro Baking Company, 377 Whittier Hwy, Moultonborough. This is for all members, both new and long-time! Contact Jan Flanagan with any questions.
- Wire Tree Sculpture, Wire by Ryan, Thursday, 9/26 12:00pm at the M-Boro Public Safety Building, 1035 Whittier Hwy, M-Boro. To hold a place, you must contact Mary Bishop by: 9/20. We need 8 participants to run the class. *Cost is 65.00. Ryan will teach you how to create a wire tree in any style you want on an adult closed fist sized rock you provide during this two-hour class! Other than your rock for the base, the price includes all of the tools and materials needed for you to create your own wire tree sculpture!
- Oct 2 Soap Making at Prescott Farm, 928 White Oaks Rd, Laconia. *Cost is $35.00 and if you are already a member of Prescott Farm, cost is $20.00. Contact: Mary Bishop. *Money and registration due by 9/11.
- Oct 13 @ 3 pm Bored Teachers “The Struggle is Real” Comedy Tour @ Chubb Theater at Capitol Center for the Arts, 44 S. Main St., Concord, NH. This is likely to sell out! Contact Margaret Walsh for tickets, carpooling and any information you need.
*PLEASE NOTE FOR ALL PREPAID EVENTS with the MWC Activities Committee: All events are non-refundable and must be paid (cash or check) at time of registration. If for some reason you cannot make it after registration you can send a member in your place to fill the vacancy or contact Mary and she will do her best to fill your spot with no guarantee. Your payment reserves your spot. Please understand these events are prepaid in advance in order to book the artist for this and similar events. Space is always limited and sells out fast, so sign up today.
Welcome to our Newest Member, Lynn Photiades!
And now, back to the last days of summer – we look forward to seeing you on Sept 9 at Geneva Point RSVP here! Keep the Sept 10 Election Day Bake Sale on your radar and do your baking on a cool day and tuck away the goodies in your freezer!
In Friendship & Service,
Joanne & Libby, MWC Co-Presidents