Monthly Reminder

from the Co-Presidents 

Dear MWC Ladies,

It’s a Winter Wonderland right now, here in NH:  the lake is officially frozen, snow is in the forecast, winter sports are in the mix and we are missing our Snowbird friends!    It is always good to have something to look forward to and we can think of nothing better than gathering with MWC friends, learning new things and making a difference in our community together!  Here is your chance to catch up on Club News and look ahead to what’s happening in February!    Libby & Joanne


Mark Your Calendars: February 3 MWC Meeting

Date: Monday, February 3
Time: 1:30 PM arrive to sign in, socialize & enjoy refreshments.  

Location: Moultonborough Function Hall (formerly the Lions Club), Old Route 109

2:00 PM  Program begins, followed by brief MWC business meeting

TIME TO RSVP FOR FEB 3 for yourself & any guests: Your RSVP helps our hostesses prepare refreshments and ensure a comfortable space for everyone.  Click here: RSVP for the February meeting

FEBRUARY  SPEAKER:  Join us for an inspiring presentation led by MWC member Caroline Phillips, a former Foreign Service Institute instructor. We'll explore the transformative benefits of language learning and Lingual Muse's innovative approach. Enjoy a brief interactive lesson, hear stories from Caroline’s company’s 8-year journey, and discover ways to embark on your own language-learning adventure.

CHARITY OF THE MONTH:  Lakes Region Humane Society is asking for donations of gently used towels (bath, beach, and dish), throw blankets, fleece blankets, twin sized comforters and washcloths, cat carriers and dog crates OR newly purchased items:  Windex, Lint Rollers, Kitty Litter, Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, Paper Towels, Dog Toys, Cat Toys, Dry Cat Food, Pedigree chopped Chicken Canned Dog Food

A NOTE ABOUT PARKING:  Please keep parking spaces closest to the Function Hall for our members whose mobility is limited.
Please park DIAGONALLY on the road leading to the parking lot as it allows us to park more cars and keeps our cars off of 109A and out of the traffic there.  Carpool if possible – sharing a ride helps our parking situation as well!


A big THANK YOU to Jan Flanagan and Mary Bishop who coordinate the many fun outings, meals and interesting field trips each month, such a fun way to get to know our club members better!

In January, your generous cash donations for Payson Center at Concord Hospital totalled $445.  Thank you one and all.

For your ongoing donation of Raffle Items for the Ways and Means Table.  Last month we generated $65.   At this time of year when we are purging and cleaning closets, Ways and Means is always looking for high end donations you may come across.  (for example a member found 3 Vera Bradley bags she had forgotten about!)  Sharon Paton is the one to contact! 

For all who have brought in bottle caps to benefit our Veterans, thank you!  We have completed this special project spearheaded by Jan Flanagan.


A Friendly Reminder for Arrival Time
We kindly ask that members arrive no earlier than 1:30 PM. Here’s why:

Our Hostesses and Board Members will be at work setting up the room, preparing for our Speaker, and organizing the Donations members are bringing—all while working around Meals on Wheels clean-up.

By arriving at 1:30 PM, we’ll be ready to greet you with warm smiles and enjoy chatting as you arrive. When you arrive, you can:

Sign in, grab a snack, catch up with friends, visit the Activities Corner and explore the Raffle Table!
Thank you for your cooperation—this is making it so much easier to get our meeting space ready for your arrival! 

*Hospitality Committee and Board Members may arrive earlier to complete their tasks.



We are starting the planning for a festive celebration to commemorate MWC’s 75th Anniversary at our May meeting.  Join us on Tues, Jan 21 at 10am at the Library to kick off the planning for this special milestone.  There will be many small details to cover and we have so many talented ladies among us, so don’t be shy!  We are also currently gathering stories from our long time members about the good old days – if you have one to share, please contact Joanne or Libby.



We are in our winter hiking season so please come prepared with micro-spikes and snow shoes and be sure and RSVP when you plan to join us on a hike.  If you want to get the details on the bi-weekly Wed morning hikes, contact Lin Bastan to be added to the email list.  The details and location of the hikes are not posted on the MWC website, so you will need the e-mail to RSVP and join us each time.  Come when you can!


ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE:  Co-chaired by Mary Bishop and Jan Flanagan – always check the Calendar on our informative Moultonborough Women’s Club website and stay in the know about upcoming activities in real time!  NOTE:  Watch for a special e-mail specifically for ”Activities” with information about activities planned for February. You can find photos of past events on Facebook and our blog page.

NOTE:  “External Events” listed on FB are not Club Events – we share them so you know of things happening in the area but the Activities Committee Chairs are not able to answer questions about them. 


Here’s what’s coming right up – no need to RSVP, simply show up:

Tuesday Jan 21 at 2 pm BOOK CLUB discussing The Women by Kristin Hannah at M’boro Public Library, Community Room.

Fridays at 10 am MEXICAN TRAIN domino game at M’boro Rec, across from the Library

Mon Jan 27 at 9:30 am COFFEE CONNECTION at Identity Coffee in Meredith


Check out the Activities Calendar and Events with new activities and Pop Ups added all the time!



Nancy Glaim and Cathy Graham


SEE YOU ON Mon Feb 3. . .  RSVP Here


In Friendship & Service,

Joanne Wilhelm & Libby Reichlen, MWC Co-Presidents
