Monthly Reminder

from the Co-Presidents 

Happy Summer, MWC Friends!

We hope this finds you well and enjoying the fun – and the busy-ness – of summer.  Many of you have gotten out to participate fun outings together, thanks to Mary Bishop and Jan Flanagan, co-Chairs of our Activities Committee.  Here are some club reminders & a few outings coming up – be sure and RSVP if you’d like to join us.  You can also consult our Calendar and Facebook page for details.

First some THANK YOU’S

THANK YOU to all who have answered the call to help on specific COMMITTEES next year, keeping the work of the club rolling along in the background.  Without you we could not serve the community in the valuable ways we do!

THANK YOU to our JULY BAKE SALE - bakers and workers – we brought in over $700 to the Scholarship funds and it was fun to interact with people in the community.

THANK OUR SPONSORS of MWC and the June Jamboree when you are out and about this summer.  Please be sure to thank them and support their businesses just as they support our community. They love knowing that their efforts are appreciated by individual members of the club who make up their community and keep their businesses thriving!  And just wait till you see their smiles – it takes a minute and pays huge dividends of goodwill.  Here is a list of the businesses MWC Sponsors or scroll down for the list.


MON SEPT 9 @ 11:30pm SEPTEMBER MEETING AND COFFEE CAN AUCTION that supports the Ways & Means Committee.  This meeting is held at Geneva Point, 1-8

Geneva Point Rd, Mboro and will be our only lunch meeting as we transition to our afternoon meeting format at Mboro Function Hall beginning in October at 1:30 pm.  Pick up your brand new MWC Handbook that lists our meetings, committees and members at the Sept 9 meeting!

FAQS: What is the Coffee Can Auction and how does it work?  Every member brings a new or nearly new item of interest to others and members buy raffle tickets and walk around the displayed items dropping tickets in the coffee can next to items they are interested.  After the meeting, we all take home our treasures!

Hmmm, What to bring? Something that you no longer need AND that will be useful for someone else at the meeting, such as something from your gift closet, fashion accessories, a pot of mums, your grandmas apple pie, fresh picked blueberries, entertaining platters – you get the idea!  It’s our version of a White Elephant Sale.


Please set aside time to create your special sweets for all those who come out to vote on Election Day!  We will have an electronic sign up (SignUpGenius) for working shifts and will confirm that at our September meeting the day before the sale.  Watch for a special email with BAKE SALE in the subject line in a couple of weeks, click on what you can bring and when you can work and it will generate an email reminder.  Proceeds from our Bake Sales are pure profit for our Scholarship Fund, every cookie counts!


FLOWER PICKING AT MOULTON FARMS:  Thurs August 8th at 12 noon – Join us for flower picking and lunch at Moulton Farm, 18 Quarry Road, Meredith.  We will enjoy lunch from MF’s Hay Wagon food truck and afterward pick our own flowers in the field at the farm.  Bring your own bucket and clippers.  RSVP and questions, contact Mary Bishop by Aug 5.  Weather permitting of course.

MEREDITH SCULPTURE WALK:   Mon August 12.  Discover fun & interesting facts about the artists and sculptures with a guided docent tour at the Meredith Sculpture Walk!  Catch up with MWC friends at Identity Coffee in Meredith at 9:00AM followed by the tour at 10:00AM. The tour is approximately 1-1.5 hours long.  RSVP Mary Bishop by 8/7, MWC members only.  Suggested donation of $5.00 for The Greater Meredith Program

A visit to TARBIN GARDENS Franklin NH on SEPT 4.  When we have a group of 20, we can arrange for a guided tour and will be bringing our lunch to enjoy amongst the beautiful gardens. Admission is $8 and a nominal fee for the group tour.  Mark your calendars and save the date.  Carpooling will be available.  Watch for details like time and meeting place.  RSVP to Mary Bishop, MWC Members only.

BOOK CLUB:  SEPT 11 at 2 pm at Moultonborough Library Community Room.  Plan ahead - it’s 652 pages and a great historical read….. CAPE COD by William Martin - There are copies available at the Moultonborough Library TODAY so stop by and claim yours.  BONUS: Friends of the Library’s Fall Author Luncheon in October will feature the author William Martin (you’ll want to reserve your seat for the luncheon separately thru MPL).  RSVP to Margaret Walsh for Book Club on Sept 11.

Thursday Sept 26 12 – 2 pm, Join award winning wire artist Ryan Kelley for a WIRE TREE ART CLASS. The class will take place at the Moultonborough Fire/Rescue Station, 1035 Whittier Hwy, M’Boro.  Ryan will teach you how to create a wire tree in any style you want on an adult closed fist sized rock you provide during this two-hour class! Other than your rock for the base, the price includes all of the tools and materials needed for you to create your own wire tree sculpture!  Wire By Ryan  The cost is $65 per person. Space is limited but we do need 8 participants to run the class.  Please RSVP to Mary Bishop by 9/20.  MWC members only.

SAVE THE DATE:  Sunday October 13th at 3:00PM COMEDY!  Bored Teachers " The Struggle is Real" Comedy Tour.  For info, contact Margaret Walsh and we will share more info as it gets closer!


Sheryl Brown & Lynn Sanford and welcome back to Miriam Tourville


And now, back to your summer fun – we look forward to seeing you on Sept 9 at Geneva Point or at an upcoming club activity.  Keep the Sept 10 Bake Sale on your radar and do your baking on a cool day and tuck away the goodies in your freezer!

In Friendship & Service,

Joanne & Libby, MWC Co-Presidents