Upcoming Events

Dynamic group of women from the Lakes Region. "We do so much more than baking!"

MWC February General Meeting

Monday, February 3rd at 1:30PM “The Adventures of LingualMuse,” teaching language fluency, with Caroline Phillips is featured this month. Monthly charity:  Ossipee Humane Society

Mini Hiking Group

This member Mini Hiking Group is not a Walking group.  Mini hikes of 2-3 miles, with some low elevation, roots, rocks, leaves, snow, ice, etc.  We hike for fun, friendship, exercise, and adventure!  Duration of the hikes will be approximately 2 hours depending on the trail, weather conditions (think snow), and speed of the hikers.

Please email [email protected]  Attn:  Hiking for more information. 

Hikes are open to MWC members. 

Wednesdays - Nov 6, Nov 20, Dec 4, Jan 8, Feb 5, Feb 19, Mar 5, and Mar 19 AND Dec 18! 

Children's Storytime and Crafts

Thursdays at 3:30 pm.  MWC Ladies weekly reading and crafts program for children at the Moultonborough Public Library. 

Those interested in volunteering to read can signup on SignUpGenius or reach out to Nancy Hill.  Children and grandchildren are invited to attend.

Candle Making PopUp Event!  Join the MWC on Thursday February 13th at noon

Celebrate Galentines Day with the Ladies of MWC.  Join us on Thursday February 13th at noon to learn the art of candle making!  With over 50 fragrances to choose from you are sure to make the perfect candle!

Kate's Candle Bar
96 Daniel Webster Hwy
Belmont in the Belknap Marketplace (Near Joann Fabric)

Bring your lunch and if you wish something to share! $39 paid at the Candle Bar/Space is limited. Sign up at the meeting or email Mary Bishop


Dining Out

Wolfeboro Technology School for Culinary Arts

Tuesday February 18th

Sign up sheets at the February meeting or contact Sheila McCleery.   Space is limited for dining out.

man in white button up shirt holding white ceramic plate

MWC March General Meeting

Monday, March 3rd at 1:30PM  Joanne Jordan will join us at our General Meeting sharing “Thriving with Blindness”.  Monthly charity:  Sunshine Cart at the NH Veteran’s Home

Book Club

Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness

Tuesday, March 18th, 2:00PM
Our next Book Club will be at 2:00 PM Tuesday, March 18th. We'll meet at the Library to discuss Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. The library has one copy now and will have more on reserve by Feb 10th.

Tai Chi

Thursday, March 20th 11:00 AM

Although Tai Chi is slow and gentle and doesn't leave you breathless, it addresses the key components of fitness —muscle strength, flexibility, balance, and, to a lesser degree, aerobic conditioning.  Here's some of the evidence: Vuscle strength.  Tai chi can improve both lower-body strength and upper-body strength.  Will Hanna from 8 Martial Arts in Plymouth will be instructing our 1 hour class at the M'Boro Fire/Rescue Building at 1035 Whittier Hwy.

Sign up sheets at the meeting or email Margaret Walsh. The class is at 11:00 A.M. on Thurs, 3/20 and space is limited. $15 cash or check payable to Margaret

Tai chi class

Ceramics Class & Lunch

Friday, March 28th at 10:00 AM 

A Fun Day is planned at Fran Ceramics and Gifts in Bristol plus Lunch!  Sign up at the meeting or contact Nancy Hill to join the ladies on Friday, March 28th at 10:00 AM.  The price is $12 per session plus the cost of the ceramic piece of your choice.  Pay at the Fran Ceramics.  12 Central Square, Bristol.  After we'll take a short walk to Cielito Mexican Restaurant for lunch.

MWC April General Meeting

Monday, April 7th at 1:30PM  This month we showcase volunteer opportunities with Kim Prause from Castle in the Clouds, Kathryn Holt from Interlakes Community Caregivers and Carol Raymond from Squam Lakes Natural Science Center.  Monthly charity:  Lions Club’s SightFirst program.

Happy volunteers standing in a circle with their hands together

Art in Bloom at the MFA in Boston  

Plan ahead for May 2, 2025!

Art in Bloom comes to life with 45 floral arrangements that are inspired by MFA art and created by New England area garden clubs and floral designers. 

The price per person will be $83 which includes both the bus and ticket as well as a tip for the driver.  The price is for a bus filled with 20 ladies. If you are committing to the event please bring cash or a check written to the MWC for $83 at our January meeting.  Note the money will only be refunded in the event we cannot fill the bus and cancel the outing.  If for any reason you need to cancel after paying you are welcome to find another club member as a replacement for yourself.  

Questions? Contact Shelia McCleery  at or sign up at the January meeting. 

MWC May General Meeting

Monday, May 5th at 1:30PM Moultonborough Women’s Club’s 75TH Anniversary Celebration!  More information to follow.

75 years celebration. Seventy-fifth anniversary.

June Luncheon ~ The Barn on the Pemi

On Monday, June 2, 2025, we will gather at The Barn on the Pemi  for our year end luncheon and the Installation of Officers Ceremony.

PLEASE NOTE FOR ALL PREPAID EVENTS with the MWC Activities Committee:  All events are non-refundable and must be paid (cash or check) at time of registration. If for some reason you cannot make it after registration you can send a member in your place to fill the vacancy or contact the Activities Committee Chair and they will do their best to fill your spot with no guarantee. Your payment reserves your spot. Please understand these events are prepaid in advance in order to book the artist for this and similar events. Space is always limited and sells out fast, so sign up today.