Libby Reichlen & Joanne Wilhelm


Wendy Monbouquette & Jayne Savage


Nancy Hill


Susan Reepmeyer 


Kathy Garry


2026 Pam King    2026 Julie Osgood    2027 Leslie Ann Angelo



MWC Activities Committee

The MWC’s Activities Committee organizes social events and outreach

Mary Bishop & Jan Flanagan
MWC Activities Committee Co-Chairs 

MWC Communications Committee

The MWC’s Communications Committee oversees webside, media and publicity 

Amy Corston & Deb Kumpf
MWC Communications Committee Co-Chairs 

MWC Donations Committee

Susan Reepmeyer
MWC Donations Committee Chair 

MWC Fundraising Committee


MWC Handbook Committee

Leslie Ann Angelo
MWC Handbook Committee Chair 

MWC Historian

Libby Reichlen 
MWC Historian

MWC Hospitality Committee

The MWC’s Hospitality Committee coordinates with the monthly hostesses the desserts and coffee for the monthly meetings and provides a welcoming atmosphere for members, guests and speakers 

Tracy Webster-Babcock
MWC Hospitality Committee Chair 

MWC Investments Committee


MWC June Luncheon Committee

Margaret Cooper
MWC June Luncheon Committee Chair

MWC Making Strides Cancer Walk

Deb Kumpf & Nancy McDonough
MWC Making Strides Committee Chairs

MWC Membership Committee

Suzanne Knapik & Sheila McCleery
MWC Membership Committee Chairs

MWC New Member Tea  Committee


MWC Parliamentarian

Dorothy Simpson
MWC Parliamentarian

MWC Rememberance Committee

Janet Schurko
MWC Rememberance Committee Chair

MWC Scholarship Committee

The MWC’s Scholarship Committee oversees yearly scholarship selections and bake sales

Debora DeBerardinis & Sue LaFlamme
MWC Scholarship Committee Co-Chairs 

MWC Ways and Means Committee

Sharon Paton
MWC Ways and Means Committee Chair


and the

MWC 75th Anniversary Celebration Committee