survey results!! 

Option A: Same Place, New Time (afternoon)

Meet at Moultonborough Function Hall/ Lions Club AFTER lunch

Members arrive by 1:30PM for social time (hostesses set up at 12:30PM) and enjoy desserts plus fruit, veggies, cheeses, etc. Speaker presentation 2:00PM – 2:45PM, business meeting until 3:30PM.

Senior Congregate Meal will be over: use more of the hall and parking, members could attend Senior Meal on own prior to meeting

MWC Meeting Options                                                   May 2024

Did you know that we have 42 NEW members just in the past year?  

As our club has grown – and is still growing – more of our members are enjoying attending our monthly General Meetings.  This has created a wonderful problem: October through May, we find ourselves squeezed into half of the Moultonborough Function Hall / Lions Club during the Senior Congregate Meals. Setting places for all our attendees in addition to providing space for the dessert and beverage tables, membership and other sign-ups, Ways and Means raffles, Activities table and speaker has become a challenge. Parking is also limited at this location and time. We are concerned that this challenge will limit our club’s future growth.

With that in mind, we solicited and consolidated ideas which could alleviate this issue. A task force was then formed to consider those suggestions and discuss other potential solutions. The group considered 4 basic areas which could be changed:

Day of Week                Location                 Time of Day                 Meal

After much discussion, it was felt that the Day of Week should remain as the First Monday of the month. For Location, there are very few venues in Moultonborough which can accommodate the number of attendees we have for free or at an affordable rate. The Moultonborough United Methodist Church (MUMC) has a handicap-accessible function hall which accommodates 100 attendees at round tables with space for a speaker, sign-up tables, etc.  Extensive parking is available onsite. The location is still in Moultonborough village. The MUMC is considering offering us the meeting space for only a donation.  The task force met in this location and considered it to be an alternative meeting space. (Photos below)

In considering the meeting Time of Day, 3 options were considered:

  • Meet later in the day, after the Senior Congregate Meals have finished
  • Meet earlier in the day, finishing by lunchtime
  • Meet at the same time

Of course, each of these options has impacts on the location and meal. Only meeting at the same time in the same location would include the current option of having a Senior Meal. Meeting earlier in the day at the Lions Club would not alleviate our issues, as the Senior Meals uses the space and Meals on Wheels drivers need to pick up and drop off containers. These considerations formed the 4 choices among which we are asking you, our members, to let us know your preferences.

  • Option A: Same Place, New Time (afternoon)
  • Meet at Moultonborough Function Hall/ Lions Club AFTER lunch 
  • Members arrive by 1:30PM for social time (hostesses set up at 12:30PM) and enjoy desserts plus fruit, veggies, cheeses, etc. Speaker presentation 2:00PM – 2:45PM, business meeting until 3:30PM. 
  • Senior Congregate Meal will be over: use more of the hall and parking, members could attend Senior Meal on own prior to meeting
  • Option B: Same Time, New Place (MUMC)
  • Meet at MUMC (Moultonborough United Methodist Church) Function Hall DURING lunch 
  • Members arrive 11:30AM – Noon for social time (hostesses set up at 10:30AM), optionally bring own lunch, and enjoy desserts plus fruit, veggies, cheeses, etc. Speaker presentation 12:30PM – 1:15PM, business meeting until 2:00PM.
  • Same schedule as current meetings, more parking and meeting space, easier setup, no Senior Meal, smaller space than the full Lions Club
  • Option C: New Place, New Time (MUMC, morning)
  • Meet at MUMC (Moultonborough United Methodist Church) Function Hall in the MORNING, out by lunchtime
  • Members arrive by 10:00AM for social time (hostesses set up at 9:00AM) and enjoy muffins and pastries plus fruit, veggies, cheeses, etc. Speaker presentation 10:30AM – 11:15AM, business meeting until 12:00PM (Noon).
  •  Less of the day dedicated to MWC General Meeting, more parking and meeting space, easier setup, no Senior Meal, smaller space than the full Lions Club, members could get to Senior Meal on own after meeting or go to lunch with other members
  • Option D: Same Place, Same Time (no change)
  • Meet at Moultonborough Function Hall/ Lions Club DURING lunch 
  • Members arrive 11:30AM – Noon for social time,  (hostesses set up at 10:30AM), optionally bring own lunch or eat Senior Meal, and enjoy desserts. Speaker presentation 12:30PM – 1:15PM, business meeting until 2:00PM.
  • Current limited space and parking, shared usage yields noise for both groups, optional Senior Meal

Please complete the survey BY MAY 10 at this site:

Thank you for your input. 

Moultonborough United Methodist Church Function Hall

Welcome - MUMC Function Hall