
The Club was organized in 1950 through the efforts of Mrs. Elizabeth Lamprey to provide the members opportunities for socialization, education and support to the community through unity and the power to do good.

Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the flag

of the United States of America,

and to the Republic for which it stands;

one nation under God, indivisible,

with liberty and justice for all.

Club Collect

Keep us, oh God from pettiness;

let us be large in thought, in word, in deed.

Let us be done with fault finding

and leave off self-seeking.

May we put away all pretense

and meet each other face to face,

without self-pity and without prejudice.

May we never be hasty in judgment,

and always be generous.

Let us take time for all things;

make us to grow calm, serene, gentle.

Teach us to put into action our better impulses,

straightforward and unafraid.

Grant that we may realize it is

the little things that create differences,

that in the big things of life we are as one.

And may we strive to touch and to know

the great, common human heart of all.

and oh Lord God, let us forget-not to be kind!

Mary Stuart (1904)

Monthly Meetings

General Meetings are traditionally held at the Moultonborough Function Hall, formerly the Lions Club, on Old Rt. 109 unless otherwise noted.  Members should arrive at 11:30 a.m.  Lunch is served at noon, followed by a guest speaker.  The business meeting follows.  Guests are welcome (please refer to bylaws.)  Members will be notified by email if there are changes in scheduling.

Inclement Weather Policy:  If schools close in Moultonborough due to weather, there will be no Club meeting that day.  MWC meetings will be rescheduled to the following day.  If school is cancelled for multiple days, the Club meeting will be on the first day school is back in session, unless that day is a Friday.  There will be no meeting on a Friday.  If Moultonborough schools have a delayed start due to weather, the MWC meeting will take place as scheduled.  (Refer to Channel 9 WMUR TV or WASR 1420 Radio for announcements.  You can also access the school’s website 

When meeting at the Function Hall, our lunches from October through May are catered by Senior Meals at a cost of $3 per meal.  Included in the president’s  “General Meeting Reminder” each month is an RSVP link in which members indicate whether or not they are able to attend the luncheon.  Please respond in a timely manner each month.  RSVPs may also be made at  It was voted by the membership to collect dues including meals at $30 per person in May.  If members are unable to attend, the $3 will be allocated at the discretion of the Executive Board to the General Fund and/or the Scholarship Fund as needed at the close of the fiscal year.  Yearly dues can be paid by check or by accessing the Membership section of the website to pay by credit card.

It is expected that during the year each member will serve as hostess; this includes helping to set up the room for the meeting, making coffee and providing a dessert for all to enjoy.  Members sign up for a month or are assigned.  If you are unable to participate on your month it is your responsibility to find a substitute and to notify the Hospitality Chairperson.  After the general meeting each month, the next month’s hostesses will meet to discuss the setup and theme for the following month.

Calendar of Events


Monday, September 11TH  The first General meeting of the year is held at Geneva Point Meeting House.  Members are to bring their own lunch and an almost new item for our Coffee Can Auction Event.

September Hostesses: Carol Adey, Jill Alexander, Carol Bamberry, Barbara Brash, Barbara Brzezowski, Trish Conley, Susan Doherty-Funke, Barbara Hawkins, Rose Kennedy, Betsy Merkle, Jeannine Royer, Janet Schurko

Saturday, September 30TH  MWC Plant Sale 9AM – 2PM to be held at Heath’s parking lot in Center Harbor (contact Barb Koehler for more information.)


Monday, October 2nd “American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer.” Nancy Mathis, Senior Development Manager will be our speaker.  Monthly charity:  Making Strides Walk  

October Hostesses:  Leslie Ann Angelo, Judy Ballard, Leatrice Bane, Gayle Bettinger, Karen DeDonato, Carol Dreyer, Valerie Durland, Pat Keegan, Suzanne Knapik, Linda Ridenour, Patricia Vanderhoef, Karen Wright, Paula Young

Thursday, October 5th  A New Member Tea is to be held at the home of Lonnie Schorer.  Hostesses:  Joanne Wilhelm, Libby Reichlen and Leslie Ann Angelo

Thursday, October 12th  A New Member Tea is to be held at the home of Dotti Simpson.  Hostesses:  Joanne Wilhelm, Libby Reichlen and Leslie Ann Angelo

Sunday, October 15th The MWC team will be walking in Moultonborough in support of Making Strides Against Breast Cancer.  Please contact Deb Kumpf or Nancy McDonough if you would like to participate or donate.


Monday, November 6th  Don Dutton from David’s House at Dartmouth Hitchcock will speak on “David’s House, Home Away From Home” at the General Meeting this month.  Monthly charity:  David’s House

November Hostesses:  Cindy Bergeron, Janice Bogasky, Amy Corston, Kathy Garry, Jane Harrington, Nancy Hill, Bev Holtsberg, Janice Jenket, Barbara Palmer, Susan Reepmeyer, Diane Schneider, Nancy Slaney, Deb Wiacek


Monday, December 4th   We are blessed again this year to have the Moultonborough Academy Chorus entertain us at our General Meeting this month.  Monthly charities:  Moultonborough Children, Mitten Tree, and Waypoint in Laconia.

December Hostesses:  Lin Bastan, Nancy Cole, Barbara Goren, Carol Hazel, Jacquelyn Kudzma, Nancy McDonough, Valerie Merchant, Janet Percoski, Lisa Scott, Susan Smith, Jane Smits, Karen Truberg, Joanne Wilhelm  


Monday, January 8th  Matt Kurz of White Mountain Therapy will be our General Meeting speaker.  “Physical Therapy and What it Can Do for You!”, an overview of common ailments and what PT can do for feeling better, will be the topic this month.  Monthly charity:  Feminine products for Starting Point, New Hampshire crisis women’s shelter

January hostesses:  Donna Conway, Kim Johnson, Deb Kumpf, Susan LaFlamme, Michelle Lemelin, Sheila McCleery, Wendy Monbouquette, Elaine Rider, Jayne Savage, Diane Schneider, Dotti Simpson, Bernadette Squittieri


Monday, February 5th  Jeremy Noyes, award winning Fine Art Landscape Photographer, will share some of his wonderful photos and discuss how he captures the beauty of the Lakes Region at our General Meeting this month.  Monthly charity:  Lakes Region Food Pantry

February Hostesses:  Jennifer Anderson, Gail Aylward, Lorraine Cahill, Debora DeBerardinis, Donna Durante, Barb Koehler, Sharon Paton, Marlene Taussig, Pam Toczko, Sherry Weene, Mary Whiting, Peg Young, Nancy Zeloski


Monday, March 4th  Kathy Garry will give an overview of the Moultonborough Historical Society at our General Meeting.  Monthly charity:  Sunshine Cart at the NH Veteran’s Home

March Hostesses:  Cristina Ashjian, Linda Barron, Karen Ciardi, Karin Doheny, Bernadette Howard, Anni Jakobsen, Pam King, Mary Michener, Carolyn Minahan, Julie Osgood, Gail Purinton, Tracy Webster-Babcock   


Monday, April 1st  This month we will be joined by George DeWolf.  “Butterflies in New Hampshire and Plants that Attract Them” will be the topic.  Monthly charity: spring fundraising

April Hostesses:  Terry Cho, Margaret Cooper, Donna DeMeo, Mary Dominguez, Jessica Gray, Lucy Kelly, Jody Kipnis, Susan Merrifield, Libby Reichlen, Lonnie Schorer, Michelle Smith, Janet Stone, Kimberly Ziegele


Monday, May 6th   May’s topic will be “Frauds and Swindles.”  Lieutenant Mark Cavic from the Moultonborough Police Department will be our speaker at the General Meeting. 

May Hostesses:  Anne Marie Bedford, Helen Evans, Marilyn Kaers, Wendy Krauss, Sandy Lowe, Ginny Mooney, Karin Nerney, Caroline Phillips, Donna Robillard, Lillian Shepherd, Marie Strandfeldt, Lorraine Sullivan Taylor, Margaret Walsh


Monday, June 3rd  The Moultonborough Women’s Club Luncheon, the Installation of Officers Ceremony and the presentation of the 2023-2024 Woman of the Year Award.  More information to follow.


The MWC Independence Day Bake Sale is held each year in conjunction with the Moultonborough Library’s annual book sale under the tent!